Molecular Biology and Nanomedicine

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Percutaneous Surgery Provides Better Functional Outcomes for Displaced Intra-Articular Calcaneal Fractures

Zeyong Xie;;

Abstract: We performed a network meta-analysis to compare the effects of different surgical treatments has on displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures (DIACFs). PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane Library databases were searched for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) from the inception to February 2017. The RCTs providing effects of the different surgical treatments for DIACFs were also included as a significant outlier in this study. A network meta-analysis combining direct and indirect evidence were also used to conduct and evaluate the weighted mean difference (WMD) between odds ratio (OR) value and surface under the cumulative ranking curves (SUCRA) of the different surgical treatments for DIACFs. Fifteen eligible RCTs were acquired and incorporated into this network meta-analysis. In comparison with the traditional open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF), the operating time of the percutaneous surgery was relatively short; the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society hindfoot scale (AOFAS) of percutaneous surgery and the MOS 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) physical component score (PCS) of traditional ORIF and traditional ORIF + primary subtalar arthrodesis observations were all higher than the usual conservative treatment. As far as the operating time, hospitalization, and △bohler's angle go, the effects of percutaneous surgery showed better results than the ones discovered by the traditional ORIF for DIACFs; as for the functional score of AOFAS score, SF-36 (PCS), SF-36 (MCS), and visual analogue scale (VAS), the effects of both percutaneous surgery and traditional ORIF were shown to be relatively better. This network meta-analysis indicated that that the effect of the percutaneous surgery for DIACFs was relatively better..

Keywords: displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures; effects; surgical treatment; open reduction and internal fixation; network meta-analysis.

DOI: 10.37813/j.mbn.2707-4692.013

Published on: 5 February 2021

Viewed: 644 / Downloaded: 10030 / Cited:0

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Qi and Blood Deficiency Contributes to Peripheral T-Cell Dysfunction and Reduced Natural Killer Cell Activity in Gastric Cancer

Zeyong Xie;;

Abstract: Gastric cancer (GC), a major cause of cancer-related mortality, is susceptible to invasion and metastasis, which triggers dismal prognosis. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) exerts a pivotal role in various cancers, including GC. Correct syndrome differentiation is the most important principle guiding the treatment strategy. Herein, the present study aims to explore the relationship of different TCM syndrome types of GC patients and the cellular immune function, which was evaluated by observing peripheral T-cell subsets and activity of natural killer (NK) cells. GC patients and healthy controls were enrolled in this study, with venous blood during fasting collected. Patients with deficiency syndromes exhibited decreased number of CD4+ T-cells, ratio of CD4+/CD8+ T-cells and the activity of NK cells as compared with those with sufficiency syndromes. Then, the relationship between TCM syndrome types and TNM classification was analyzed, which revealed that TCM syndrome types were associated with TNM classification. Finally, we evaluated the number of T-cell subsets and NK cell activity in peripheral blood by means of flow cytometry and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release assay. GC patients with qi and blood deficiency showed reduced CD4+ T-cells, CD4+/CD8+ T-cells and NK cell activity and increased CD8+ T-cells when compared with other syndrome types, which indicated significantly impaired cellular immune function. Taken together, we concluded that peripheral T-cell subsets and NK cell activity, representing the cellular immune function, were associated with different TCM syndrome types of GC. Notably, qi and blood deficiency led to the most severe cellular immune dysfunction of the GC patients..

Keywords: traditional Chinese medicine syndrome type; gastric cancer; peripheral blood; T-cell subsets; natural killer cell activity; flow cytometry..

DOI: 10.37813/j.mbn.2707-4692.012

Published on: 8 January 2021

Viewed: 335 / Downloaded: 10492 / Cited:0

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A Network Meta-Analysis on the Diagnostic Values of MiR-21/MiR-16/MiR-34a/let-7b-5p/let-7g/MiR-218-5p in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

Yifei Yun;Yutong Zhang;

Abstract: Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is a major subtype of lung cancer, accompanied by dismal prognosis. Recent studies have reported microRNAs (miRNAs) may act as diagnosis biomarkers in NSCLC. This network meta-analysis was performed to identify miRNA and their potential diagnostic value for NSCLC systematically. Several databases were recruited for eligible studies, and the retrieval spectrum ranged from the inception to June 2018. Besides, 142 NSCLC patients and 168 patients with benign lung disease were enrolled. Direct and indirect evidence were incorporated to evaluate weighted mean difference (WMD) and ranking probability (RP) based on surface under the cumulative ranking curves (SUCRAs). The expressions of miRNAs were further validated by RT-qPCR. The sensitivity, specificity, and receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve were used to evaluate diagnostic performance. The expression of miR-192 and miR-17 was lower than that of miR-21 in plasma samples of NSCLC. However, the expression of miR-16, miR-34a and miR-1-5p was lower while the levels of let-7g and mR-218-5p were higher than that of miR-21 in NSCLC tissues. miR-21 and let-7g levels were upregulated in plasma/tissues of NSCLS, but miR-16, miR-34a, let-7b-5p and miR-218-5p expression was downregulated. In the analysis of ROC curve, let-7g (sensitivity: 0.901; specificity: 0.893) and miR-218-5p (0.817, 0.964) in plasma as well as miR-16 (0.915, 0.964), miR-34a (0817, 0.964) and miR-218-5p (0.831, 0.964) in tissues revealed higher diagnostic value for NSCLC. It demonstrates that let-7g/miR-218-5p in plasma and miR-16/miR-34a/miR-218-5p in tissues can potentially be used as diagnostic biomarkers of NSCLC..

Keywords: non-small-cell lung cancer; microRNA; case-control study; network meta-analysis.

DOI: 10.37813/j.mbn.2707-4692.011

Published on: 11 December 2020

Viewed: 372 / Downloaded: 10612 / Cited:0

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Effects on Embryo Transfer in Patients with Hydrosalpinx Pretreated with Different Treatments: A Network Meta-Analysis

Fang Yang;Jinrong Jin;

Abstract: Hydrosalpinx can affect the success of embryo transfer (ET). We made a network meta-analysis (NMA) to compare the effects of five hydrosalpinx pretreatments of ET, including salpingectomy, hydrosalpinx aspiration, interventional ultrasound sclerotherapy, proximal tubal occlusion and salpingostomy. This study was based on data-set available from the published studies. The relevant studies were retrieved from Cochrane Library, PubMed and Embase from the inception to January 2017. Data was extracted from cohort studies and the combination of direct and indirect evidence was conducted to assess odds ratio (OR) and surface under the cumulative ranking curves (SUCRA) values of the effects of five hydrosalpinx pretreatments of ET. Thirteen eligible cohort studies were included in this NMA. The results of this NMA demonstrated that compared with the control group (without any treatment), salpingectomy and hydrosalpinx aspiration had comparatively higher ongoing pregnancy rate and implantation rate, interventional ultrasound sclerotherapy had comparatively higher implantation rate. In addition, the cluster analysis revealed that salpingectomy and interventional ultrasound sclerotherapy had better effects on ET. Taken together, this NMA suggested that salpingectomy and interventional ultrasound sclerotherapy had better effects on embryo transfer in patients with hydrosalpinx..

Keywords: hydrosalpinx; embryo transfer; effects; cohort study; Bayesian network model.

DOI: 10.37813/j.mbn.2707-4692.010

Published on: 30 October 2020

Viewed: 389 / Downloaded: 10726 / Cited:0

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Glutathione S-transferase (GSTT1 and GSTP1) Polymorphisms Improves the Short- and Long-Term Efficacy of Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy in Advanced Ovarian Cancer

Xiao Xu;Zhuo Zhong;

Abstract: Over the past four decades, patients with advanced ovarian cancer (OC) has enjoyed greatly improved survival rate considering advances in combined chemotherapy with platinum and paclitaxel. We investigated the association between polymorphisms within glutathione S-transferase genes (GSTM1, GSTT1 and GSTP1) and short- and long-term efficacy of concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CCRT) in advanced OC. Patients with advanced OC and healthy females were selected in our study. Multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) were applied to detect homozygous deletions in GSTM1 and GSTT1, as well as codon 105 genetic polymorphisms in GSTP1 exon 5. All the patients with advanced OC were treated with CCRT. Toxicity of chemotherapy, short-term efficacy, recurrence and metastasis, respectively. Long-term survival outcomes were checked with a further examination and all patients were followed up for three years after CCRT. Compared with healthy females, patients with advanced OC showed higher frequencies of GSTT1 non-null genotype and homozygous mutation type GG of GSTP. GSTP1 genetic polymorphisms were relevant to neutropenia resulted from CCRT in patients with advanced OC. Compared with patients with GSTT1 non-null genotype, those with GSTT1 null genotype appeared to enjoy a better short-term efficacy, lower recurrence and metastasis rate, higher survival rate and longer mean survival time. Compared with patients with GG genotype, those with GSTP1 AA + AG genotype also enjoyed more positive results. Our results reveal that GSTT1 null genotype and GSTP1 AA + AG genotype are associated with short- and long-term efficacy of CCRT in advanced OC..

Keywords: advanced ovarian cancer; GSTT1; GSTP1; GSTM1; Genetic polymorphisms; Concurrent chemoradiotherapy.

DOI: 10.37813/j.mbn.2707-4692.009

Published on: 12 October 2020

Viewed: 542 / Downloaded: 11090 / Cited:0

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Mechanism of Long Non-Coding RNAs in Autophagy and Inflammation of Vascular Endothelial Cells: A Review

Li Peng;Kun Wu;

Abstract: Increasing researches have highlighted the properties of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) regulating gene transcription, epigenetics, stem cells differentiation and other biological processes. Vascular endothelial cells have been implicated in the process of angiogenesis since they comprise the morphological basis of cardiovascular system. Vascular endothelial cell dysfunction in vascular endothelial cells affects the occurrence and progression of various cardiovascular diseases while secretion of inflammatory factors can induce vascular endothelial cells dysfunction. Autophagy has been widely regarded as an inflammation-related defensive mechanism in cardiovascular diseases. Emerging studies have addressed the involvement of lncRNAs in vascular endothelial cells. As vascular endothelia cells exert great effects on the cardiovascular system, this review discusses the correlations between lncRNAs and vascular endothelia cells with emphasis on regulation of lncRNAs on both autophagy and inflammation in vascular endothelia cells..

Keywords: long non-coding RNAs; vascular endothelial cells; autophagy; inflammation; mechanism; review.

DOI: 10.37813/j.mbn.2707-4692.008

Published on: 14 September 2020

Viewed: 334 / Downloaded: 10468 / Cited:0

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Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation after Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty decreases Restenosis Incidence and Inflammatory Reaction in Patients with Lower Extremity Arterial Disease

Chao Wang;Ming Deng;

Abstract: Lower extremity arterial disease (LEAD) is considered as a common cause resulting the narrowing in the vessels of the lower limbs. This study investigated effect of drug-eluting stent (DES) implantation after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) on restenosis incidence in patients with LEAD. The patients with LEAD in control group received PTA alone, and the patients in intervention group received PTA and DES implantation. Skin temperature, transcutaneous oxygen tension (TcPO2), ankle brachial index (ABI), recurrence rate, total response rate, ulcer cure and improvement rates and restenosis incidence 6 months and 12 months after treatment were compared. Clinical symptoms, signs, and foot ulcer condition before and after treatment were compared. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to detect the level of like interleukin 6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) and C-reactive protein (CRP) 3 d and 6 months. Six months after treatment, the patients in intervention group showed increased TcPO2 and ABI and ulcer cure rate but decreased restenosis incidence, and 12 months after treatment, the patients in intervention group exhibited increased skin temperature, TcPO2 and ABI but decreased recurrence rate and restenosis incidence. Moreover, compared with the control group, total response rate, symptoms, signs and foot ulcer condition were increased, but the levels of IL-6, TNF-α and CRP decreased 3 d and 6 months in the intervention group. The total effective rate of restenosis after LEAD intervention was associated with treatment regimen, Fontaine staging, and Hb A1c. Collectively, DES implantation after PTA decreases restenosis incidence and inflammatory reaction in LEAD patients compared with PTA alone..

Keywords: percutaneous transluminal angioplasty; rug-eluting stent implantation; lower extremity arterial disease; restenosis; inflammatory reaction.

DOI: 10.37813/j.mbn.2707-4692.007

Published on: 31 August 2020

Viewed: 792 / Downloaded: 8545 / Cited:0

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Central Genes and Signaling Pathways in Colorectal Cancer Are Determined Based on Bioinformatics Analysis

Fei Liu;Fuping Gao;

Abstract: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a leading cause of cancer-related death. This present study aims to identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs) and significant pathways in CRC based on expression profile databases, which may provide evidence for better understanding of the pathogenic mechanism of CRC. Initially, microarray-based gene expression analysis was used to screen out DEGs in three CRC-related databases (GSE41328, GSE75970 and GSE89076). Then, Gene Ontology (GO) analysis and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) enrichment analysis were performed to explore the role of DEGs in CRC. Next, the weighted correlation network analysis (WGCNA), receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis and protein-protein interaction (PPI) network were conducted to reveal the central genes and pathways. Furthermore, the survival analysis and correlation analysis were also carried out. We found 1722 DEGs in 3 CRC-related databases, and these genes were enriched in biological regulation, metabolic process, cytokine receptor interaction, cell cycle and cAMP signaling pathways. Additionally, some of them have been uncovered to be closely associated with the development of CRC. Besides, six genes (CDK1, CCNA2, CCNB1, CDC20, CDC45 and CCNB2) were found to be highly expressed in CRC, and involved in CRC-associated signaling pathways, which may affect the development of CRC. ROC analysis further proved that these six genes could serve as potential biomarkers indicating CRC. This study deepens our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of CRC, which suggests that the DEGs and the central genes may contribute to the development of new strategies in CRC treatment..

Keywords: colorectal cancer; bioinformatics analysis; microarray-based gene expression; differentially expressed gene; protein-protein interaction.

DOI: 10.37813/j.mbn.2707-4692.006

Published on: 05 August 2020

Viewed: 394 / Downloaded: 8763 / Cited:0

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Review: Role of Autophagy in Nervous System Injury

ZeYong Xie;Erdong Shen;

Abstract: .

Keywords: autophagy; nervous system injury; repair.

DOI: 10.37813/j.mbn.2707-4692.005

Published on: 18 June 2020

Viewed: 476 / Downloaded: 9791 / Cited:0

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Role of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Autophagy in Tumor Drug Resistance

Dr. Zhenwang Zhang;;

Abstract: .

Keywords: endoplasmic reticulum stress; autophagy; tumor; drug resistance; chemotherapy.

DOI: 10.37813/j.mbn.2707-4692.004

Published on: 09 May 2020

Viewed: 392 / Downloaded: 8270 / Cited:0

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